The Port Salut and the latest Stilton are progressing. Once again, I'm in a lull as I decide what cheese to try next. My blog follower, Glenn K., is making cheddar. If you read this post, Glenn, send me a pic of the cheddar so I can post it. I am very interested in hearing how it goes.
The Port is just starting it's b. linens bloom. The color is darker than I expected, but the older spots become more vivid after the scheduled brine washes. Still fighting the blue/black mold, but the spots are not numerous and very tiny. I just carefully trim them out. This should ease once the b. linens takes hold more completely. The pic of the Port is recent. But the Stilton pic is a few days old and it's now completely blue and fuzzy. Although I have to turn and monitor the Port daily, I can now leave the Stilton alone a full week between turnings.
Now that I have a healthy colony of b. linens on the Port, I started washing with a brine/beer solution to impart a different flavor. I also found an old miniature fan that I cleaned up. I use it to rapidly dry the surface of the Port after the washings so the errant molds don't have a chance to take a better hold on a damp surface.
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