Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Port Salut, The Saga Continues

I thought the lot number of the LR series b. linens (Choozit LR from Danisco) might be bad.  The b.linens growth had stopped completely a couple weeks ago.  I trimmed off the surface and rebrined it, then applied a smear of b. linens.  It's supposed to be a fast growing bacteria, but two weeks later, nothing.  So I cut into it.  It tastes great.  But not quite right.

I wrote Danisco and they referred me to Diairy Connection, their distributor in Wisconsin.  I thought they could tell me if there was a problem with the lot of LR I have.  Instead, they gave me some more advice.  The pH of my cheese is probably off, inhibiting the b. linens.  I should use the KL 71 yeast to neutralize the pH in the milk and in the smear. 

I sent their response to Debra Amrein-Boyes, author of the recipe book I'm using, to get her thoughts on this.  I am determined to conquer this cheese!  Stay tuned.  I'm not going to post again on Port Salut until I have a pic of a nice bloom on the darned thing.

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